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Delicious & Nutritious
Welcome to the World
of Microgreens!
When was the last time you got messy in the Kitchen?
Here at BrightFresh®, we want to bring the fun and nutrition back into cooking. With our Microgreens, there's no limit to what you can do.
Our motto is, Microgreens belong on top of every dish!
Truth is, many "classic" dishes need a refresh. Something that adds flavor and nutrition without overpowering or changing the main star. Microgreens are the solution that not only refresh your recipes, but if we're lucky, maybe even refresh your attitude about food, nutrition and taste!
BrightFresh® delivers the Taste & Nutrition!
The first rule to eating healthy is this, when food looks colorful and fresh, it tastes better and is better for you!
Our Microgreens never tasted or looked so good!
4-40x the nutrients of mature counterparts!
Our Microgreens are harvested at the peak of nutrition, containing massive amounts of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. We do the hard work so you can enjoy the benefits every day in every meal.
Our goal at BrightFresh® is to nourish your family,
one Microgreen at a time.
Are you ready to refresh your meals?
Diet Restrictions?
No Problem, with Microgreens!
In today's world of changing medicine and shifting paradigms, people are taking their health and wellness into the own hands. Research and dietary science are readily available, as are trends, but this can be overwhelming. Which diets are best, and how can we keep all the information straight?
Keep it simple with Microgreens!
Mother Nature really does know best. Fresh, naturally-grown food in its purest form is what our Microgreens are all about. So, whether you're following a keto, paleo, vegan, raw or half-baked diet, adding Microgreens will increase your immunity, support your digestion and help you stay the course.
We’re here to support you and bring new flavor notes into your restricted dishes.
A high-fat, protein dense KETO meal perks up with our flavorful, lush microgreens. Potatoes have new zing with Microgreens baked or saute'd alongside.
Salt restriction? Get your pepper notes from our Micro Arugula, or some tart nuances from our Kale Mix. Add our Micro Cilantro to your omelets, stuffed avocados and bacon-filled treats. Our Chef's Blend will make your head and plate spin with its colorful leaves and flowers!

Fresh n' Tasty Recipes!
Where do you get your healthy recipes?
We design and update our website
to be a place you can come home to and find
healthy recipes, some classic, some new, but always with a plant-based refresh!
We want to SHARE the revelation and the inspiration!
From main entrees to salads, appetizers and desserts,
we continue to build new content daily. You've always got a resource here, and you can bet we will continue to experiment in our test kitchen!
Go to our Recipes tab to see our latest, printer-friendly recipes videos and see how fun and easy it is to cook with Microgreens.
Better Taste From Better Light™
BrightFresh® is a product of what happens when nature does its best work. Our Farm is located in the world's best climate for growing Microgreens. We enjoy year-round California sunshine, and the results mean year-round crops that are the brightest and freshest.
Over 20 years of ingenuity and knowledge.
While others experiment with lighting and growing techniques, we are content to carry on our tested and perfected farming and artisan growing methods that have made us what we are: the number one Microgreens retailer in the country!
BrightFresh® Microgreens are the gold-standard of quality.

Sustainably Grown Under Natural Sunlight
Honestly Grown™ is the way we do farming each and every day. It's a symbol of our partnership with Mother Nature. We believe in what we do, and we want to pass that guarantee and assurance onto you, our consumer.
Honestly Grown™ is not just a phrase; it's a standard of excellence we've set that guarantees you our best with every product, every day, every time.
Experience the BrightFresh® Microgreens difference!