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Ghoulish Halloween Mini Pizzas with Micro Arugula!
Looking for fun mini pizzas for Halloween? Our Micro Arugula pizzas have nutrition, flavor and are ghoulishly fun to make!
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Plant Based Coconut Shrimp with Micro Arugula!
This dish speaks of fall with its Delicata squash, quinoa, figs, pomegranate seeds, pepitas and our BrightFresh Microgreens!
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Linguine with Clam Sauce and Micro Arugula!
Linguine with clam sauce is a classic dish you've likely ordered in a restaurant. But how many of you have tried it at home?
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Grilled and Sizzlin' Watermelon Salad
Go fire up the grill and be the first in your neighborhood to take advantage of this trendy, sweet fruit recipe.
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Traditional Vietnamese Spring Rolls with a Micro Twist
Today we're taking on classic Vietnamese spring rolls and refreshing them with THREE different varieties of our #microgreens!
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